Sonny Perdue (miniszter, USDA) évértékelője
ZurückAz Amerikai Egyesült Államok mezőgazdasági minisztere nagyon pozitívan értékelte Donald J. Trump, államelnök első éves tevékenységét, kiemelve azokat a pozitív intézkedéseket, amelyek az amerikai mezőgazdaságot, különösen a farmerek lehetőségeit támogatják, és családjaik életét segítik
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today issued the following statement regarding President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address:
“President Trump’s unifying address to the nation recounted this administration’s impressive achievements in its first year, which have strengthened the economy for all Americans, including those who do the important work in the agriculture sector. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is already helping workers and will allow agricultural producers to invest more in their operations and their own families. President Trump’s optimistic vision for the nation includes massive investment in infrastructure, which will be a boon to a rural America that sorely needs such improvements. The president's emphasis on fair trade gives me confidence that he will strike deals that benefit all parts of the American economy. Additionally, his focus on eliminating burdensome regulations is freeing up agricultural producers and removing obstacles to productivity. This is a president who has rural America and agriculture close to his heart, as his words and deeds clearly demonstrate.”
Forrás: USDA Office of Communications, 2018. január 31.
Címkép: A Magyar Kukorica Klub Egyesület küldöttsége az USGC (Gabonatanács) és az NCGA (Amerikai Kukoricatermesztők Szövetsége) székházában, Washington DC-ben, 2016-ban..
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